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Follow That Map!

Series: exploring our community


Maps are about far more than getting from a to b. Maps can help children understand and explore both their everyday environment and faraway places. With an appealing search-and-find technique, Follow That Map! is an interactive picture book that explains and demonstrates key mapping concepts. Kids will enjoy following Sally and her friends as they search for Max and Ollie, a mischievous dog and cat on the lam from the backyard. Sally and friends take an imaginative trip through the neighborhood, city and country, around the world and beyond.#Kids can join in the search for Max and Ollie, who are hiding somewhere in every map. An activity at the end of the book shows children how to make a map of their bedroom.

ISBN: N/A Category:


Maps are about far more than getting from a to b. Maps can help children understand and explore both their everyday environment and faraway places. With an appealing search-and-find technique, Follow That Map! is an interactive picture book that explains and demonstrates key mapping concepts. Kids will enjoy following Sally and her friends as they search for Max and Ollie, a mischievous dog and cat on the lam from the backyard. Sally and friends take an imaginative trip through the neighborhood, city and country, around the world and beyond.#Kids can join in the search for Max and Ollie, who are hiding somewhere in every map. An activity at the end of the book shows children how to make a map of their bedroom.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Hardcover, eBook, Paperback

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Reading Levels

    lexile level
  • 590L

  • guided reading
  • L

  • guided reading grade level
  • 2/3

  • accelerated reader interest lvl
  • LG

  • accelerated reader reading level
  • 3.5

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"... funny (the cartoon characters look after that) and useful book about maps and mapping for beginners."

The Globe and Mail, 01/04/2009

"The bright, easy-to-follow illustrations do an excellent job of highlighting all the major concepts ..."

Quill & Quire, 01/03/2009

"With an appealing search-and-find technique, an interactive picture book explains and demonstrates key mapping concepts."

Books for Growing Minds, 01/03/2009


  • 2010 - Best Books for Kids & Teens, Canadian Children’s Book Centre, Winner

  • 2010 - Information Book Award, Children's Literature Roundtables of Canada, Commended

  • 2010 - Norma Fleck Award, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Commended

  • 2010 - Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People, NCSS-CBC, Winner

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