
Illustrator’s Guidelines:

At Kids Can Press, we are interested in and look forward to seeing illustrations of all kinds. Every book is unique and we never know what we may need in terms of illustration style. When submitting your work, please follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Send us an email with your contact information and a link to your website or portfolio. Attach only one or two low-resolution JPEGs that best represent your work. This is the best way to bring our attention to your work.
  • Alternatively, you may mail us a postcard of one or two of your most representative images, along with your contact information and a link to your website.
  • Please do not send original artwork or large files.
  • Due to the large number of queries we receive, we regret that we cannot respond to everyone; but please be assured that we do look at all submissions.
  • If we are interested in your work, we will keep your information on file for future reference and will contact you if we have a project that might suit your style.
  • Please feel free to send us periodic updates when you have new work that you would like us to see.

Please note that we are unable to provide information about your submission by phone.

Please direct your queries to:


Art Director
Kids Can Press Ltd.
Corus Quay
25 Dockside Drive,
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 0B5

Thank you for your interest in Kids Can Press.

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