Ben Clanton is a story scribbler, picture squiggler, book aficionado, child advocate, dragon tamer (he wishes!) and avid sock wearer (especially of the striped variety). He came to this planet in 1988 and has spent most of his time here reading, drawing, sleeping, gardening and eating chocolate.#Here are some other things you have always wanted to know about Benjamin David Clanton-Awesome:#His favorite sport is a toss up between quidditch, four square (he’s the reigning champ) and basketball.#He majored in anthropology/dragon taming and minored in politics at Willamette University.#Ben is 8% unicorn, 17% dragon, 26% English and 100% American.#Ben once rode on the back of an elephant.#Ben has never ridden a donkey (much to every donkey’s relief).#Ben once ate a dog biscuit. (It was disgusting.)#Ben loves to get stuff in the mail.#Ben is terrified of spiders — so don’t ever send him one.#He is a fan of wind-up robots, Legos and kids’ drawings.#Ben lives on a big hill in the rainy city of Seattle, Washington, with his wife and puppy. (His puppy thinks dog biscuits are quite yummy.)
Jasper John Dooley: NOT in Love
2015 - Best Bets Junior Fiction (Series), Ontario Library Association, Commended
2015 - Chocolate Lily Book Award, Chapter Book Category, OLA’s Canadian Materials Committee, Commended
2014 - 2014 OLA Best Bet List for Children, Kirkus Reviews, Winner
2014 - Best Children's Books of 2014, , Winner
Jasper John Dooley: You’re in Trouble
2015 - Best Bets Junior Fiction (Series), Ontario Library Association, Commended
2015 - Best Books for Kids & Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Commended
Jasper John Dooley: Star of the Week
2015 - Best Bets Junior Fiction (Series), Ontario Library Association, Commended
2013 - Best Children's Books of the Year, Bank Street Children's Book Committee, Winner
2013 - Hackmatack's Children's Choice Book Award, Canadian Children’s Book Centre, Commended
2012 - Best Books for Kids & Teens, , Winner
Jasper John Dooley: Left Behind
2015 - Best Bets Junior Fiction (Series), Ontario Library Association, Commended
2014 - Chocolate Lily Award Chapter Book Category, Canadian Children's Book Centre, Commended
2013 - Best Books for Kids & Teens, , Winner
Early Chapter Books
Jasper John Dooley: You’re in Trouble, 2015
Jasper John Dooley: NOT in Love, 2013
Jasper John Dooley: Left Behind, 2013
Jasper John Dooley: Star of the Week, 2012